Sunday, December 27, 2009

No complaints, No demands

Ok yesterday I watched AVATAR... how was the movie... ahem… it was a Fairy Tale. So while watching this ever-same fairy tale again I started wondering what makes a fairy tale world different from the Real World.

Difference on1--> Real world people are fascists while fairy tale people are socialists.
->> Very Matthew view on the movie. Here i would rather not comment because i am under the influence of my MICAn biases.

Difference tw2--> Real world people are all Tech Savvy while Fairy Tale people still wear shreds, and fight with bow and arrow.
->> So does that mean if you kept thinking about everyone's good you could never progress? I mean duh... they had such rich technology around them... the power of connecting with everything around you and you are telling me they never put their mind in using them?

Similarity thre3--> (because it's three, it has to be different) All warriors are jerks?
->> That real world admiral had to fight just because he believed in destruction, that’s what he is trained like. He can't have any emotions. (If it's so think what our country would be like if military training were compulsory for everyone)
On the other hand the fairy tale people all went about... OUR SACRED LAND, OUR SACRED LAND never once they stopped and thought about negotiations. About why humans want it and what could be the prospects for them. Or more, how they can just save their sacred land, if that's all they want.
MONEY vs RELIGION- cause of fight, war, destruction... n other such blahs(which are supposedly wrong, though are they really? money- reason humans could reach till Pandora, Religion-what kept Pandorians alive)

Syndrome fou4 --> Here comes the "heroes are always perfect" Syndrome.
->> Well my question is, are they? Until the point humans were doing it for money/progress/just the research work, Jake was part of them but as soon as humans started killing the AVATARS he changed sides... n did what… KILLED HUMANS from their side. Duh, hellooo... dude u are hero right, you need to think of something that could save both parties, not just YOUR SIDE. Saving just your side can't make you a hero. You still got blood on your hands ok.
These Pandorians, when they kill any animal for food, they pray for their soul but killing a human is just OK, because they are aliens. Do any of these rules make any sense to you?
Killing something, which can’t think, is SIN but killing something, which can think, is COURAGE.

Why make such rules, which can't be applicable on every situation. Dude trust me they can't be laws. Say killing is a sin and stop justifying few forms of it. Now that i am thinking about it, i wish what the laws were like if our legal system was with physicists (not that i trust them much, but i want to see what they would have come up with.)

So, when fairy world doesn't sound too perfect that means, it's not the Fairy Land... It has to be perfect... we need to consider the fairy tale again!!!

P.S.- The title is the my resolution for first three months of 2010 where it comes to my relations with my friends/family/others who can think (and who think they can think). There being no relation of title to the content is to establish the "freedom of expression" given to me/us. After all misusing of our rights is also a birth right for us..!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Grumblings of an MBA

This blogging business is shit man. I din't knew how big it has already became. Now we got professional bloggers who "sit in their pajamas all day long" and "write about their feelings on" every shitty thing they could find on the planet earth (or if it's some universe loving freak then even beyond that). "THE" blogger i am talking about right now is this HEATHER B. ARMSTRONG. This lady is writing on this since 2001 n all she write there is about her life, what she feels and upload some freaky daily pictures there and VOLLA!! the site is a hit. She left her job, so did her hubby and all they do is work on this "expressing feeling" thinggy daily and *tan tada* earn millions. FREAKY?? sure!
Isn't expressing opinions and cribbing about just everything is a very Indian phenomenon? We are THE ARGUMENTATIVE INDIA right? So why aren't we big in this EARN BIG SHIT blogging business yet? ( or may be we are, it's only me who doesn't know about it... like i didn't knew that i missed my ODY lecture and had to do a make up assignment :D)
Since the time i have read about her, all my mind can think of is... duetted just write some crap, make five people read it and influence them to network it furthur. Marketing right, here is the DO NOTHING, EARN BIG deal we are looking for, so why not i invest some of "not so relevent" and "very pfaffy" marketing knowledge of mine here. All i ever wanted to do was to tell stories right. n what more fun if they are mine own huh???

P.S. I know the title doesn't suit here. But I wanted to write that one. It's my blog right. MY FEELINGS :P

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

just wanted to type something...

i got just seven minutes, then my cake at cafe world will be done and I could go back to me my sleep peacefully after serving it. Virtual life! Everyone is running from their life in a way or other. You would play deadly blood shed games or Opt for a life of sonority for a while. Or you might talk on phone for hours mocking distance, pretending as if nothing has changed. Or you might get high somehow and tell yourself you are happy. We do so much to make ourself happy. Indulge ourself in impulse shopping so that it could make us feel better for some time or may be eat a little bit more as it the tasty food has the ability of keeping all those torturing thoughts away for a moment. N when after loads of cajoling, coaxing you finally manage to pretend to yourself, Matthew appears and asks " How can you be happy?" Duh!!

After that long monologue when i thought i would actually come up with some tragic nuances of life which would inspire many i am just left with the irony called life. Doesn't matter what you do, someone will come and find a counter argument to it. So now you should be guilty of being happy and you are a moron if you are sad. you see it causes this lot of confusion when others try to define rules by which you should live your life. I mean you aren't paying me to listen to you... why should i do things as you like? If I am an escapist then yes I am, what is wrong in that? i am not happy with your rules, i'll make mine. What is the big fuss about it?

yeah all of the above is pretty settled set of thoughts in my mind. The only one which is bothering me now a days is... What if i couldn't come with a rule/territory for myself?

People write any shit on their blog... either ban then or better hang them!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

rolling neurons-1

a scientist who lives in 2109 programs his time machine such that... when ever he'll wake up it'll be same date of a different century. And he starts living in three centuries simultaneously. he is working on a hypothesis that every person is affected by the stars such that their behaviour cycle or event that follow repeat themselves every 100 yrs. so in every century he finds the girl he is in love with, n try different ways to court her... thus in a way he gives himself three chance to test his hypothesis and find for himself wt'll happen if he proposes the girl in this century.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

OK.. here is my version of invitation for micanvas..%&%%(*%&*^%&*%$*included!!

The lure ofdarkness

Brought strom of gloom

Those who were kings once

Lives with the fear of doom

Crash,sacks,remorse and loss

Sitting idle, still waiting for hope?

We are working on wor;d to be

Here we are creating our own legacy

If U think u got brain and might

We invite you in the league of knights

Are you in the league of those who live by the rules.

Are you one of those who feels questioning is unnecessary

Are you someone who believes in the supremacy of conventional thinking


Coz the war is bloody and brutal. Every thought of your will be tested. Every brain cell will be torched. Coz we are laying the stepping stone of change.

This November MICANVAS will be presenting THE MARKET RENAISSACE

World won’t be same again!!

ok.. wteva.. no comments needed..!

n here is my creatives for sankalp

LOve Lust Hope
Life Pain Dope
In the end
all i have..
One more breath!
One more drag!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

NIL-Lofer, the day i met her!

ok.. it's been just a week in MICA n i am given to do what i always wanted to do. i am acting in a play. here i am plying Nilofer who is a lesbian. just in a week MICA has taught me a lot of things. i would not say it came as a schock to me. because it didn't. i always knew a world like this exsisted some where.. or must i say.. this is the real world. i am simnply living in it now.

as it's like with everything else in me, i do get over confident about my acting abilities as well. i did put loads of effort n passion in nilofer during the first two days of the rehearsals but couldn't get it right. i was like.. i wasn't able to identify with her. i went ot my director n asked him few questions about who nilofer is.. n how is she like.

he told me.. nilofer is a very sweet, helping, caring girl. who talks a lot, who smiles a lot, who take responsibilities and carries them well. she is the girl whom any boy/girl would want as their partner. she had this very loving, nice, luxurious, comfortable upbringing. she IS the PERFECT WOMAN. n more.. SHE KNOWS IT.

after this i finally realized where i went wrong. n my found was very shocking. for past two days i was actually tring to find out the faults, flaws, reasons, or something/anything wrong which happened in nilofer's life because of which she became a lesbian. n after the talk i realized, she got no flaws. she IS a lesbian. it's her being.

i would say, i am very open minded. if ever questioned i would have replied that i got no problems with homo-sexuals what so ever. but i foud out in my mind some where i did got few prejudes about their exsistance. i failed to accept that they are what they are.. n no one needs a reason to be what he/she is.

i don't know how much i have imbibed this fact in me now.. but yes.. i have realised it though.
thanx to the director!!!

p.s. things to i need to work upon..->

1. To ask right questions
2. do something about my sleep.
3. choose how i want my life to be like.
4. stop running from responsibilities.

ok.. lets c where it takes me.!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lake Chelan( it was wt written on the notebook in front of me)

hi.. it is sharp 9am in the morhing n i am at neri's place. as usual she is busy with her chores, so i am doing the most useless thing in the world ... BLOGGING. know what, it always happens.. i am on time.. n maharani time lagtai hai faltu kaamo mein. i was about to mail it to someone as usual.. but then.. this silly thought of posting it came to my mind. i mean y not..!!
see i got really stupid, silly, interesting, good habit of writing things down. lately it has helped a lot u know. when i needed to convey things to someone.. i mailed it to them... i had a fight with someone n as usual i am guilty.. i mail n appolozise. then again as i am telling everyone now a days more than writing i love to read what i have written.. oh thats too much fun. this way i collect few memories for myself.. n can keep them for ever. when on farewell i gave that post card to qt she was like " the best thing they give is things they write down for us" so i guess same goes for me.. i keep few words for myself as well... n lately writing on private blog is no fun at all. not that someone reads it on public blog though but yet... i mean when i wrute things in there.. it all very sad n gloomy.. so now a days as everyone knows, comments, sees that i am bit chirrpy (TOUCHWOOD) so i am enjoying a bit of my freedom as well by writing on public blog.
i have written this lot n neri is not ready yet.. GWAD... this girl..!! anyways.. such is life for me.. >sigh<

Thursday, April 16, 2009

the viberating train... lol!

i don't know why but i wanted to write it on my public blog.. for everyone to see.. i mean wtf, why everything needs to be sensible on my blog when i am not sensible at all... whom i am hiding from btw. i realized i got this new habit where i carry this sorta pen in my hand n i keep writing mine on everything that caught my eyes. after that i let it be, as obviously i always get something else to claim as mine.., i forget it completely. but then when someone else comes to appreciate stuff which was supposed to be mine (just because i claimed it to be)... i am like.. "hello, it belongs to me, ok " so when i am actually loosing some stuff it's only then i realize "oh.. it belonged to me once". so here comes the another, and the most annoying habit of mine which is " i know everything, but i do nothing" i am such a cool dumbo!!

then there is another thing... i don't know how but i got this new power lately. no it's not attitude again.. it's freedom. freedom of speech, of expression, of hmm.. u can say,, actually saying out my thoughts loud. i mean.. u c the way i am free with myself here on this blog.. same way i am getting open to people. like no matter what's there on my mind.. how stupid or how hurtful, i just say it on ppl's face. n knw wt.. it's magic. yea.. it is..!!! yea true.. i do miss my lonely self for a while.. but then i am addicted to this . you know na.. how prone i am to addiction. may be coz it's last of the days so i am trying to gather as much as i can.. n yea there are still ppl who are still on test bench(poor they, coz i am being really mean to them..sigh) but i can actually see a jumping n howling chrripy self of mine.. which is new to even me.. ya! i am being SWEET u know... n m seriously missing my FRUSTATED, WICKED, BITCHY self... eh.. sweet.. it's just not my type.. but it's working any ways.. so i guess.. i'll let it be for a moment.. coz nothing lasts more than a moment in my life.. yea.. it even suits the name "volatile vapor" hmm..

n yea IPL is going to start from 18.. i am very excited.. n yea.. my promise to myself.. this time, no matter what, i am going to have mohali's jersey on my b'day..!!

i want it..
iwant it..
iwant it..
i do..!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

my first sensible poem!!

The Proud Indians!

Such is our story,
Our slum-dog brings us glory
Though it was just about poverty,
We are richest with 8 trophies!

The greatest of all Oz
In front of blue men seems sissy!
If you are talking about mixed doubles
Even here we got the best couple.

When few of us act unreasonable and bossy,
We do gandhigiri and handle it with humility!
When some one attacks our dignity,
We stand together against terror and misery.

When the whole world is gloomy,
We are having the most powerful economy,
When even the world power is in blues,
We know we can get through!

We are the proud Indians…
Standing one, yet billion
World witnesses our unity
As here we make history!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

my day...

had my mock interview today.. it was fun!!
she asked me to tell something about my self.. i was all litrature.. so she was like y dun you go for journalism.. lol

hmm..i answered that it's jus hobby..thing to do in leisure...i wanna live a really fast paced life work work work kind. then she asked me recite some poem of mine.. i said i dun remember.. so i offered can i write something right now?? she said fine.. i wrote this...

The Moment, The Misery

I don't know why i fumbled,
but the reaction was still humble...
I tried to be true,
but couldn't overcome the blues.
I wonder what she thought
when i was writing it down.
But i guess i'll be fine..
n i'll make a strong bond.

i couldn't get those last two lines right but she said the poem is good!

(now i wonder when in the end when i asked her questions y din i ask her the what was she thinking when i was writing this poem.. i dun y but i really wanna know it now)

then she asked me to compare electronic valency n life.. i said.. like electrons humans do need someone to be stable.. they can't exists alone.
then she asked wt i think about stability.. i was like.. stability is what u want in life.. but to go higher in life u need instability coz the emptiness is what which drives you towards the stability.

everything went almost perfect.. but in the end.. i stuck on this single point... n halfway through the talk i realize i am going wrong but then thought if i backtrack now i may loose so.. i stuck to my point. she tried thrice but won't budge.. so in the end i was declared stubborn n non-receptive.

n i proud myself in being a good listener...hah!!

i guess for past few day.. few months actually i was behaving pretty stubborn n i know it's high time to check where actually i am heading.

i feel good yet very very lousy... more of lousy part n less of good one!!

well i guess lousy is the state of mind i am usually in.. or must i say... now melancholy has became the favorite state of mine. Three cheers there!!! moron!