Theories, they are the new me. Making sense out of chaos, is my contribution to myself. Well my latest theory says:-
THOUGH ATHEISM IS THE TRUTH, BUT WORLD IS NOT AN EASY PLACE FOR AN ATHEIST TO LIVE. The first part of the statement might not raise many questions, because this statement is under debate for centuries now and somewhere deep down we know it's true. But still most of us like to go against it, reason being the second part of the statement.
Life is an indefinite loop of monotony, if we see it from a human prospective, I wake up in the morning, do regular work, go back to sleep at night. All these new inventions and discoveries we have introduced lately, are just to break this monotony. Now if I am religious, then i would see this whole life as a stage play, where i have to play a part somewhere in the climax (Climax being the ultimate motive of my life, one thing for which i was born and other usual blahs) and till that happens I have to prepare myself for this unknown situation in the best possible way. It's like God wants me to do an impromptu act with the best of my abilities. So whenever some good or bad occasion happens, these are the God's way to tell me if I am going in sink with or against the plan which God has already thought of as his great climax.
There is a big flaw in the making of a human, they are given brains, thats why it is important for us to look for logic in everything. A religious human obtains his logic in the slight variation of above explained scenario. But in case of Atheism logic gives a grotesque view of life. Consider, there is no God and I being a human is doing same thing everyday. I have no idea till when i'll be continuing this whole routine. It might happen that the very next moment is the last one of my life. I realize that nothing is in my control. There is no purpose what so ever of my being except that while i lived i made few other lives ( who again doesn't have any aim just like me ), happy. But if I am so cynical about this whole God thinggy, then just making others happy is not good enough a reason for me. I have seen sea and mountain once, doesn't they all look same after a point of time. I have read a few stories, doesn't most of them ends in similar manner? What if I don't know how to play flute or violin, what difference would it make even if i knew them. I am going to die one day, just like billions of other who are living in same age as I. Even if I live as a Good or Bad person, on both the cases, my end will be death. Even if I take right or wrong decision, it'll remain same. Even if I read all of philosophy, my life remains useless. Quite a depressing picture.
You might argue that I am being mean to Atheists. The religious human do nothing good then fighting for useless causes, themselves. Well, I can't agree more with you. But I find, most of the Atheists as cynics and sadists (I being one myself) just because they know the brutal reality and accept it. I am not saying there is anything wrong in it but just that life gets a bit difficult for them. Life of a religious human is rather easy. I being an Atheist myself once, have now decide to move back to the safe and secure life of religion ( Even though it is my personal God and it's my personal religion). I consider myself too timid a human to go against God's will. Though I truly respect Atheists, as they are those who knows the trust have the courage to live it.
Just finished watching "Charlie St. Cloud" and I would like to finish by saying -
We got just one life,
Background music - Trains and winter rains (Enya) (link wasn't working, sorry)