Friday, December 31, 2010
The last day of year 2010
(Off Topic: I found something really peculiar. we study about behavior marketing, well this is something our mothers have been using since very long. When we were kids if they wanted us to stop sucking our thumb, they used to put mirchi on it so that the brain trains itself. Mumz are really cool! The same concept of behavior training is been applied by Kiran as well)
Last year, my resolution was , to watch at least one movie per day, i guess i have watched more movies than needed. So, what is the resolution for this year? umm.. i'll post it soon, dun wry!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
December 29, 2010 - The day took the vow
Beautiful Girls - that 13 year old neighbor girl.
Me and You and Everyone we know - The elder of two brothers.
The Lives of Others - HGW XX/7, the spy!
This is the first feature film by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, the guy who knows French, Italian, Russian, German, and of course English. The film won Oscar in 2007. I always had this desire to become a film director. Loads of things have changed about me in all these years, but this one thing just stayed inside me. so, this is what it is going to be. on 90th Oscar ceremony, be ready to see my name along with it.
Wall Street - Money never sleeps - The girl who works with frozen truth.
Half Nelson - The Teacher, not that strongly though, wasn't interested in the movie much. Not that it's a bad movie.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Menace of Age
What could be more dreadful to you than that a woman(oh how i hate to call myself that) your age is calling you "the unspeakable word" just because you are married and more so because you are friends with her mother. I mean, its not a crime to be friends with your colleagues is it? The picture of that lady swallowing the hard fact down her throat flashes continuously in front of my eyes and I couldn't stop being sorry for the lady who has been nothing but kind to me. At the same time I also couldn't being sorry for myself for my own foolishness and lack of understanding of the future where i would be facing the same situation.(I know it'll happen because the curse by that lady is going to haunt me until, thats how it's been prophesied in the divine book of woman hate code).
Rightly they say that a woman is the biggest enemy of another woman. I have committed a dreadful crime, in foolishness or otherwise and now I have been given the punishment of visualizing the future, before its due time, and live in fear for what will fall upon me. All I could ask from the ugly goddess of woman's youth and beauty is to be merciful to me.Amen!
28 December 2010 - The number 23 theory
I guess, the theory of number 23 is true, i.e. more you start thinking about something more it gets real to you. As it says in 'The Alchemist' and 'Om Shanti Om' world actually starts conspiring to get you the thing you want the most because you are thinking about it the most. From here emerges the theory of 'The Secret', if you just think of one thing and start working towards it obviously it'll happen. Because things starts happening the moment you start doing them, 'Eat.Pray.Love.'. And you start seeing similar things around you just because you are looking for them. Obviously 'dhhondne se to bhagwan bhi milta hai' isn't it!
My number 23 is the chaos, It started when 'Nihilism' was tossed in front of me. Then when today 'The invention of Lying' was screened in front of me, it made me rewind things. Possibility could be that there was 'The man from the earth' or more simply, because we all want some meaning to our life and live it in a grander way we tend to make it a 'Big Fish'. Then our lies come back to us and tell us "you'll meet a tall dark stranger" and we happily hold on to the thought because we are "Alice in a wonderland". That is the reason why we think to go for "revolutionary roads" so that even we could follow someone "into the wild". There are the "eternal sunshine of a spotless mind" that we live in but when the "Chronicles of Narnia" ends its just "The fight club".
Sunday, December 26, 2010
One after Christmas
Book: P.S. I Love You
Chaos Theory
I wanted this movie to be pseudo intellectual, something straight out of a H.G.Wells book, but it turned out to be romcom. It leaves you with a good feel in the heart anyways, so its ok. Chaos is anyways too close to me to be left at just the name of the movie. I see chaos as the sum of unlimited individual patterns put together. We continue to live our life in a pattern, thats what even Newton agrees with when he states his second law of motion. It's just that when that 'external force' happens, we just switch patterns. Then you would say, where is the pattern in human life if we keep hopping from here to there. Well, if you observe closely around you, you'll find it is very rare that people actually switch patterns in their life. They get so used to their daily routine that the concept of change sounds like a calamity to them. That is the power as well as danger of following a pattern. But even when we change tracks, we are following a pattern, because then you fall into pattern of changing patterns.
No one has broken the web of chaos yet. It gets denser with every new move one thinks, because it again becomes the start of a new pattern. May be that is what we have to do, we have to fill every empty space possible and try to cover all the patterns.
Be as diverse as possible.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A post before Christmas
The prolixity of my writing may amuse you, as it unveils my efforts of removing ashes from a long burned portrait to collect the remains, if any, of the picturesque reminiscent of the child who promised oneself to rule the world as it knew no force who could stop it from doing so.
"Some men die with their music inside them"
21 Dec 2010 Music Inside
As I remember it, my mind paints for me a picture of mine where I am listening to this music divine.
22 Dec 2010 Dorian Gray
Vices will never take you anywhere?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
12 Dec 2010
6:50Pm - The Cinderella Story
Why do i even bother to watch movies?
13 dec 2010
The Sea Inside
My life in ruins
Moulin Rouge
14 DEC 2010
15 Dec 2010
Wild Child
Almost Famous
16 Dec 2010
Band Baja Barat - Loved the movie, typical dhinchak stuff!
No Problem - crap
17 dec 2010
True romance
Someone will play, just the music you would want to hear. Upload a video on facebook, which is tells you just the story you need to see. Smile back at you just when you are looking for some smile around. When end comes, you start remembering everything that has been. Thank you MICA, for just being.
19 dec 2010
You will find someone tall and handsome
21 dec 2010
sin nombre
Saturday, December 11, 2010
11 December 2010
After a long time i saw this real awesome shit! I totally love the flick and it's going to the list of my all times favorite that includes -
1. VeerZaara
2. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
3. Devil wears Prada
Must have done something right!
Sorry and thanx Aparna for everything and more.
And about why there are just three in the list of all time favorites? Well, I love watching movies, at times I like them like hell (that in short means I cry a lot in them) the kinds like "The Time Traveler's wife" may be. But at times, you just have this feeling that this is one movie which will stay with you for life. Thats when it goes into your all time favorites list. It is like this, I don't know myself much. I am this strange animal to me. So, things that i just felt intuitively are the only ones that feel genuine about myself. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of me soon.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
7 Dec 2010
I wish to fall in love with just one face.
And I wish the person be me.
I shall be the artist, the lover, the teacher,
and the only muse.
I'll be the last song, of today and tomorrow,
and with in me i'll let it fuse.
You may find it rotten, selfish or mean,
I am naked for you to see.
but i would rather tell the story of,
no one else but me.
I see my self smile,
among the blood, the pain and bile.
I behold your evil in my eyes,
because with beauty the beast be sides.
Don't show me mercy, don't curse me,
don't tell me moral of being.
If you care, you love, then do me a favor,
for a while let me be me.
Monday, December 6, 2010
6 Dec 2010
Purpose in life?
It's Sonam's b'day. Had a nice chat with few really special people after a long time. and the best part was all of it happened on one single day. When history calls, it's never in snippets.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
5 Dec 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
4 Dec 2010 - When i was a kid
Why i watched it? couldn't help it. Weirdest part was, the presence of stupid fairness and kundli stunt in the film. I mean, the educated and literate people like us as well couldn't escape from the lure of ignorance. At the same time we fail to understand that all that we present in all innocence, at the end of the day it becomes the part of the unintended propaganda and does affect people sublimely in some way. They say, if they see a burning cigarette it produces a carve to smoke, even though the image is a no smoking sign.
5:21 am - 8 Mile
Britney Murphy, the lead of this movie, died at the age of 32. It says that she died of natural causes but it is rumored that it was because of overdose of drugs. But no thats not my point, my point is,in life, you have stages. you now, age brackets during which you are allowed/given opportunity/feasibility to the desired sub-set from the universe of your dreams.
When i was kid, i have been just that. Happy, Naughty, Nerdy, Over confident, Top of the world. In short, Princess. I spent my life playing. I played every games, every song, all dances, all books, all movies. i have been the best batsman, awesome singer, the cutest,braves,most quarrelsome kid in town , been really fussy about food, Dreamer - coming up with all stupid games/stories no would ever think about.
I was my superhero :)
Then, I turned into a teen-ager. I was such a happy kid that refused to grow up for first few year, the kid in me was constantly fighting with the teen-ager me. That made sensitive, poetic, philosopher. In short, LONER. I guess that was the start of mine getting weird. pretty early huh? Along with came the phase where you would nick 10's and 20's just to buy chocolates. So, now i was fat, spectacled, clumsy dork for whom boys as competitors was on but as friends was still a taboo. I guess i just love to fight, dad says, it's something in the blood. But the only person with whom i have fought more than even fighting with my brother is myself. With in me there is a paradox of extremes where each one them have a brain on their own and nobody want to give in. This was also time when i could have argued about just anything under the sky.
As i mentioned before, i grew up pretty late. So, it was pretty late when the teen ager in me finally had the upper hand ( though i still don't think the kid in me will ever give in). This time, I became arrogant, cynic, sadist, bitch, quite, cribbing, insensitive, ambitious. Yea, just the time when i wanted to win the world. change it completely. had strong and absolute opinions. The most volatile phase of life so far. Because i was learning now. I became a third person in my life and start seeing it as an outsider. Before this i had a real life, during this i had my life within myself. I discovered, I am a difficult person to live with, but sure, m worth the trouble :P
I am 22 now, and as mentioned before Britney Murphy died at 32, I am not saying i'll die at 32 or anything. But i have this feeling, that right now i am getting ready for my next phase. This transition phase is always pretty dull and hollow. These ten years will almost forge who'll be in future. You know, you take time to build a building and when it's done you just do few changes here and there. Change a color or two, drop a wall or erect something small but you never redo the whole building. So, in next ten years, I will be finish constructing this building for myself.
li'l missy in the big world.
Friday, December 3, 2010
3 Dec 2010 - A perspective on Love
1:30 am - Break ke baad
At times you find your own story playing on the screen in front of you. All through the three hours you see and contemplate where things went wrong, when you were being the jackass, where you could handled the situation but didn't. But doesn't matter what you do or don't, because what a movie shows is the best possible end and amusingly your life is not a movie.
6:30 am - How much you love me?
At times I feel like, why do i already get ready to watch any crappy shit stuff. May be because "kamal kichad mein hi khilta hai". There were three times in my life when i pickup something pretty gross and random n which changed my life and stayed with me since.
a. First time it happened with "The Love Machine" by Jacquelin Susann
b. Then came the time, when i turely hated for it's grossness. It happened with "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" Judith Rossner.
c. This time it was movie, "Fling".
Right, wrong, freedom, commitment, lies, truth. Nothing, just nothing, it broke all boundaries. After this i watched "a girlfriend experience" and came up with a complete analogy on the kinds of relations which could be there and why? I loved this movie for some reason and i guess hated it for same.
There three narratives gave me perspective. When i started watching "How much do you love me?" i thought i might get lucky again the movie succeeded in ridiculing itself. The issue didn't needed sensitivity but just the same care and respect which Francois gave Daniela.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
2 Dec 2010

5:02 - Cashback
Everyone wants to live in a frozen world. In moments where you could stop the world and you stretch the moment into a minute, hour, day. Life tickles off with each second.
Corpse of dead butterflies,
Snowflakes in time halt.
You touch a face of innocence,
Kiss the lips which tastes salt.
You close you eye to see,
the colors of the symphony.
Among the changing paradigms
you yearn for harmony.
You stretch your arms
to hold smoke,
irony often sinks in
at the airports.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
1 Dec 2010
1 Dec 3:55 am : The dreamers
Could the start have been any better or worse? I don't know. I don't wish to know either. Once in the movie they talk about chaos that while we live in this world we fail to make sense of what it is. But if we stand out for a while and look at it whole as movie, we would it to be a marvelous game plan where every thing falls into its place on its own. Isn't it a very interesting game, where there is just no wrong move. What ever you do or think of doing is just right. Like the movie itself. In between the movie Matthew claims that Theo and Isabella will never grow up if they continued a life like this? What will make them grow? Standing for a cause which says no to war by attacking people on their own? (After wearing a uniform does people stop being people in any way?) Or changing paths because you know though it is right but what you would be doing is not right?
In Buddhism they believe in "Enso" It talks about the incompleteness of life, "lack of absolut" Now that is something i can totally reckon with!
1 Dec somewhere around 9:00 pm - Frida
Valor personified. All u require to live your life is courage. Every one is given the same life with same true & lies. Most opt for pain and sorrow but few just go for smiles.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Three Citrons
Fairy Tales, they say everything is beautiful in a fairy tale. Perfect. I couldn’t agree more. Sure, In every fairy tale a beautiful repressed Princess is crowned as Queen so that she could live happily ever after. The Prince becomes the King and he always manages to conquer the love of his life.
And a Slave, lives just like a slave, even in a fairy tale. Just Perfect.
This is a story of a slave from the far far land, always at the service of her lady. That day she was in a very fine mood, i know so because she was humming when she came to fill water for her lady. While filling the vessel she caught her own image in water. “Don’t I look different today?“ she wondered. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, her vessel cracked. “Oh this must be the warth of Gods, as rather then being concerned about my lady’s thirst I was wondering about myself“ she cursed herself thus for being so careless.
She went back to her lady and told her the tale with remorse. Her lady being a kind soul herself took pity on her misery and gave her the best vessel that she owned. The slave hurried to the water source again as she didn’t wanted her lady to wait anymore. Again she tried to fill the vase but again she stopped to wonder her beautiful image in water and the vessel broke again. She again cursed herself and went back to her lady with her story.
The kind mistress thought of giving her another chance but this time instead of a clay vessel she gave her a rubber bag, so that if in case the slave manages to drop the bag as well, no harm will be done this time.
The slave reached to the water source and filled the bag but as she started getting up she had a glimpse of her face. At the precise moment the bag got punchured with several holes. This time slave started crying.
Suddenly a voice came out of no where. She said ‚“ O dear friend, forgive me, as i was just playing with you so far. I didn’t intend to hurt you or make you cry though.“ At this the slave looked up towads the tree. Three sat a really pretty girl. She realized that it was the face she was seeing again and again. She stooped crying immediately and got curious about the girl.
She asked “ Hey prey, tell me who you are and what are you doing here?“
At this the girl told her that she was a fairy who came out of a citron. She also told the slave about the prince who travelled all over the world and passed through various witches and orges and atlast managed to find her old lady who gave him three citron and the way to make the fairies from the citron. “Right now I am waiting for my prince to return as he has gone to bring a cavalcade so that he could take me back to his kingdom.“
On hearing this the slave got really happy for the fairy but she observed that the fairy herself wasn’t happy, so she asked her about same. The fairy replied “I just got free from the citron and I wish to see the world before I finally get tied to the Prince for life.“ At this the slave asked with curocity,“ But ain’t ya a fairy? You must be able to do anything, don’t you?“ “Yes, I am. But I am bound to fillfull the man’s whims and fancy because that is what is written in the religious book of fairy tale. I will lose my powers if i think of anything otherwise. “ The fairy replied.
“Oh, if it is written in the religious book of fairy tale then it must be right. It’s sin to question the decision of almighty anyways. But isn’t there anyway by which you can filfull your dream without defying your duty?“ The slave asked.
„“Oh I think there is something which can be done,“the fairy replied ,“If someone can only take my role for a while I go and see the world“
“I’ll be happy to help you in any which way you like my fairy. Tell me what i have to do?“ The slave reverted happily.
The fairy got excited with the slave’s reply and reverted,“You can wait for the prince here and on his return tell him that you lost your beauty in the absense of prince’s love this while but you’ll regain it again with his love for you“
“But i always thought I was beautiful, ain’t I fairy?“ the slave asked in all innocence.
“Oh sure you are, you are prettier than me but human eyes fail to see the beauty which isn’t obvious. Wikipedia fail to define the meaning of the word “beauty“ for them but don’t you worry i’ll give the world power to see your real beauty on my return.“ Saying this the fairy turned herself into a dove and started on her expedition.
Soon after the prince returned with his entourage and on not finding the fairy around inquired the slave about her. The slave repeated the story which fairy had asked her to tell. The princess got heartbroken when he came to know about the truth because the beauty which he had asked for this long was not there anymore. Even then he went back to his kingdom with the slave as his wife because he had already announced about her exsistance to everyone. The king and queen got scandalized with the choice of the prince but said nothing as prince was back after years of wait. But even they observed that even after years of search and his choice of bride the prince wasn‘t happy. He never talked to his wife or even entered her room. Though the new bride had told him the cure, the prince could never gather himself up for the same. The days goes on. Where the new bride was waiting for the fairy to return so that she can go back to her mistress, at the same time prince was wasting away his life in worthlessness.
After 2 years the fairy returned. She was in her dove form and was trying to enter the castle when the royal cook caught her and cooked her for the lunch. Though he throw the water used to boil the bird in the garden. A criton tree start growing at that place.
One day, after few months, the prince saw the tree in the garden. He saw that there was three critons on the tree and they were similar to what were given to him years back. He ran to the tree and like before cut the citrons. Like before he fail to save the fairies from the first two citrons but saved the last one. This fairy was even beautiful that the last one. The prince couldn’t believe his luck. He took the fairy in the court and asked everyone “what punished should be given to the person who tries to harm such a beauty?“ Everyone was amazed by the beauty of the fairy, they all suggested brutal punishment for the sinner.
This new fairy also reminded the salve about her own fairy and remembering her she answered,“Anyone trying to harm such an innocent soul should be burned alive“ The prince was waiting for precisely this moment. On this he start putting false accusation on his wife that she was planning to hurt the beautiful fairy. The prince just wanted to get rid of the ugly wife that he got and he knew no one will question his authority therefore he had come up with this plan in the first place. And it worked for him.
The slave never got a chance to present her case or argue. She wouldn’t have anyways because she was always taught never to argue. Therefore as per the announced punishment, she was brought near the citron tree in the garden, to be burned alive. Prince was finally happy that he’ll get to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. White and red as he always wanted. He ordered to burn the slave, at that moment few flowers from the citron tree fall on the slave. With that the promise by the first fairy got filfulled and eveyone could now see in the slave, the beauty of her deeds. But by now her cloths had already caught the fire.
There prince kept standing, rooted to his place and watched the most perfect woman of white and red coloring burning alive in front of his eyes.
Moral: is immoral!
Kids, as you know, “How I met your mother” is a story about how people of New York live in our times, which Ted Mosby is going to recite to his kids in 2030. Now along with being the most popular sitcom series among the Indian youth of today, it is also a narration of his life i.e. autobiography by Ted Mosby. Now there are several points which make this particular series a fascinating study on Narratives.
Now taking about the narrative, how will you tell your kids about how you met with your spouse? Here Ted Mosby of future goes back in his memory and tells them small incidents which happened to him which led to his meeting with his wife. Though he could have told the chronicles of events that happened on the very day of the meeting and could have done with the story but instead he sees the need to put the very day in a context which would validate/approve/account for the actions he took on that particular day. Though you can argue that how can he be sure that little snippets of his life that he is narrating are enough to give context to the day, or how in the first is choosing, what is important and what’s not? It’s a very valid point because narratives are endless they can’t have a specific start or ending, but whatever little that he tells at least provides an understanding.
Superhero vs. Sidekick
during our discussions in class, we also came upon the question that when we are telling a narrative about ourselves do we ever see ourselves as side-kicks or is it always us who are saving the world? To put the question in this context, we see that story revolves around each of the characters where all five of them have their fair share of playing the hero and narrator just a side kick. Examples could be the situations where the story revolves around Barney and Robin’s affair or Lilly or Marshall’s encounters with Marshall’s family. There Ted Mosby is just somebody in background. Here once again you can argue that it was so because of the medium of narration. Instead of it being filmed if it were a book or if Ted was telling the story face to face then may be the portrayal of the characters would have been different. A video might allow each character an almost fair share but a book or speech provides a perspective of who is telling the story and also how the story is being told.
The True Narrator
Then there is the concept of how truthful narrator is while telling a story he knows best as it happens to him. Here Ted Mosby wants to tell his children about his story because he wants them to understand their father better. Even though here he is trying his children to take his story forward with them, he chooses to amend a few facts here and there for them. As no parent want to tell their children that they use abusive as the part of their speech. For precisely this reason Ted changes the word in the narrative while telling the story. In a second case, Ted and his friends Marshall and Lilly used to smoke weed during their college days, but as again this will be a fact no parent would ever like to mention to their children, as they want them to stay away from them, therefore every time when a story reaches to a scene where they are smoking pot, to hide this fact, Ted and his friends instead are shown eating “a very large sandwich”. Here the most interesting part is, as the medium is of video it could have been possible that Ted can replace the word “weed” only in his speech as “sandwich”, but in this series even in the shoot they are shown eating a sandwich. Therefore, the truth about our true story depends too much on who are the listeners of the story.
This manipulation of truth could be done in two ways, one as mentioned above, by representing the act by some other “acceptable” act. Or by not describing the act at all, as if it never happened so is not the part of the story. Like in the first four seasons of the show none of characters was even shown smoking. But it was sometime very late in the season 5 that Ted confesses to his children that he and his friends were all chain smokers.
Myth of a Nation
As per the story, Robin Scherbatsky is from Canada who came to New York for her career. She is shown to be in constant battle between her loyalty to her old country and her acceptance by a new one. Though she is not in her own country but even then the constructs of her identity makes her a Canadian. She likes to get into fights, loves hockey, and hangs out at this favorite Canadian bar where she along with other Canadians in New York often sings songs of Canadian glory.
In the Season 5, episode 5 “Dual Citizenship”, Barney trains Robin to be an American because she needs to give a test for American Citizenship the next day. Though she learns all the rules to be an American by heart and gets her American citizenship, even then to celebrate it we find her back in the Canadian Bar having a heart to heart. She goes for the dual citizenship A Canadian who is an American as well. Now how will you measure what is she more of? What part of her belongs to which country even without the stamp of dual citizenship on her name?
As Scherbatsky is a true to her roots, therefore, many a time the Americans in the series are seen establishing their nation. We know America is comparatively new country whose history and myths are still in the making. Therefore, several a times we find the rest of them bend-on on making their myths to create the identity of an American. This is something which is repeated several times in the series. Like in the above mentioned episode itself Barney demonstrates the various habits of an American. Let it be the chant of USA or Shrimp Fried Rice, or how Robin’s answers for American citizenship test are not “American” even though they are correct. Along with that they are also making a new myth of a New Yorker. Like in “Subway wars” in season 6 the gang declares 5 things you would have done if you are a New Yorker.
Here we the construction of the concept of nation. Every day we are into making little myths of our own to provide ourselves a distinct identity and at the same time giving proof of our affiliation to a set of people so that we are not alone. Human has mysterious need to be different, but then he is aware of the fact that everyone is seeking for something similar in others to get associate with. So to overcome this fear of being left alone, we tend to make smaller group of people who are different from everyone else but similar within themselves. IF only we get ready to accept everyone else with their complete uniqueness we all could be ourselves and live together with fear.
The Disowned Culture
If we see narration of the show, then it is a narrative of American culture to the Indian audiences. It being a series set in city of New York, where the culture is very different from the Indian Culture. We have a very common debate going on, on whether it is the media which affects the culture/society or vice-versa. Having said that, it is very interesting to note that several actions regarding number of sexual partners for both male and females, smoking and drinking, use of curse words etc, which are otherwise unacceptable to an Indian youth as per the cultural norms, becomes almost alright when shown in the series because there acts are acceptable as per the culture of the country the series is set in. All most like being in a fantasy world where the reader/viewer can actually free one’s self from the clutches of norms and laws of reality and don the cape of possibility and get lured by the mirage of freedom in fantasy.
And Narratives gives one freedom to get in and out of text, add/subtract from it any element and make an attempt to make sense out of the vastness of the intricacies of the world.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I don't know what i want to do with my life.
Explore your history:
When i gave a real close look to my life, i figure these is a visible pattern there. For the initial years of my life, my parents have been deciding things for me. so it was easy to follow the pre-told path. It wasn't that i wasn't interested in doing something extra-ordinary then, but even then i was a pro at attributing my non-actualization of the act to the constrains imposed on me. In a way i was so happy with my constrains, using then to my own advantage. clever huh?
Then when i was given a chance to choose, instead of evaluating all opens, exploring new venues, i opted for THE RAT RACE. TWICE!!
Now when i find myself at the end of the race and i have to, HAVE TO, HAVE TO pick something for me, i am at loss again. Amazing isn't it. Such an idiot i am, people are sad in their lives because they are not given options (though thats a lie) and i am so clueless because i have a rather lot of options.
Conclusion: I am scared of options (but then there is always one)
Strategy: This time at least i am not going to give in to the flow of life.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A blog on job!
And I know it'll go through thousand more changes before it actually get published for the site.. but just to sanctify my work.. here is the original post
Tum Bhi on Tumbhi
“Tum bhi” is a call to all those people who have got talent in them and a burning desire to show the world what they are worth. These are the people who are driven by passion and are destined to rise and shine among the brightest of stars. They are the musicians who eat, think, breathe music day in day out because it’s music which flows in their veins. They are the models who when look in the camera, the camera knows it couldn’t have captured a better expression ever. They are the writers whose words are going to mark the history of our days. They are photographers who can capture a whole life in just one moment AND they are the actors who, in just one moment, can live a whole life.
No, these are not ordinary people living an ordinary life. They are messengers of the world as it was in the past and they are the sculptures of the world as we’ll be remembered in future.
If all this time you could actually feel that this fate is meant for you, then yes, you are one of them. You are the one who is destined to make a difference. The time has come to act and grab what’s yours. “Tum bhi” is a platform which recognizes talent and nurtures it further to help you attain what is rightfully yours. It is the first step in your journey to fame and it accompanies you till your destination. All you have to do is to upload your artwork at our website We have got an esteemed panel of reviewers who will meticulously examine your work and give you remarks. These remarks will help you to learn more about your skills and help you in fine tuning your art further. If your art gets approved by the reviewers then you will be the part of the League of Tumbhi Artists. From there we’ll make sure that you get all the guidance and support which would help you prepare for the big chance of your life. Tumbhi is one and only platform where we actually nurture the talent and make sure that talent is given the chance it is worth for.
Tumbhi provides you the best opportunities from the glamour world to exercise your talent. Because we know that we have given our artists the best of the training therefore we get them best of the projects to live their dreams.
Yes, you can live the dream of your life. Tum bhi!
So, do not waste any more time and upload your artwork now at
Hah.. so much for putting heart 'n' soul!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
12 episode TV serial!!!
ThumsUp!! O Yea, we are talking about the thunder here.
In year 1977 when the cold drink giant Coca-Cola had to say bye-bye to Indian markets, two very smart men Ramesh Chauhan and Prakash Chauhan, the Parle Brothers, came up with this idea of lagao an Indian tadka of Betel Nut to the American thanda and banao a super desi drink ThumsUp suiting the Indian taste.
So when you celebrate with family and friends or cheer for cricket players, ThumsUp goes “HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN”.

In year 1993 as the govt. had allowed the international companies to enter the Indian market, the panting beast Coca-Cola re-appeared. The smart brothers, ah… I mean, the Parle Brothers thought it was in best of their interest to sell ThumsUp to Coca-Cola while it was still offering to buy the company. By the time the deal was done another beast, Pepsi had also entered into the picture and was slowing capturing the market. ThumsUp was still leading the race. So Coca-Cola thought “Pepsi is anyways second to me in the world but because of ThumsUp my own baby is not able to win the race. So I should ask ThumsUp to opt out of the race so that Coke can win” (Bells ringing??). So, that is what they did. They stopped investing in ThumsUp altogether.
That was why one day, when you were in college, and were searching for your favorite ThumsUp
The Bhaiya replied “Nai saab ThumsUp toh nai hai”
At this Coca-Cola smiled, his plan was working.
But then that Bhaiya continued “Pepsi chalegi” (:D)
It was then that all the big hopes of the giant (Coca-Cola) were shattered. It realized “while in India, be Indian”.
It went running back to ThumsUp, said sorry, jazzed it by adding a little blue to its logo and there, ThumsUp was back with a bang. This time ThumsUp was way more adventurous, ready to take any challenge and Salman Khan daring you to “TASTE THE THUNDER”. And guess what, it worked!
Being good hearted as ThumsUp is, it also did a one to one with Pepsi for his brother Coke. Therefore in 2001 while ThumsUp was calling Pepsi “baccho wala drink” openly and Pepsi was busy in answering back, our Coke tried to capture the market its back. Howzzat?
Since then many brands retried or retired but ThumsUp kept its place so much so that now the Akshay ThumsUp Kumar himself would jump off a cliff, get all his bones cracked or even do parkour for that matter just to get his ThumsUp.
So once you have tasted the thunder it’s not easy for anyone to let go of the adventure. On that note I’ll take your leave as my ThumsUp Can just got over. But don’t worry, we still got more…
…because “Aakhiri ThumsUp, Wo kya hota hai?”
-Signing off
P.S. – If you were in hurry you could have skipped the comments in brackets.
P.S.S- Thanx Nammi