Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mind a Walk?

I always wanted to figure out this world I always love complexities because it gives me something to solve and world came across the biggest complexities of all. I could never infer what world as a whole is trying to do? Where we are heading? So i started searching history. The idea of democracy appealed to me, so i stick with it for a long time until I came across chaos. The Chaos Theory made my understanding of world even more complex and in the process of figuring out the purpose, I opted Nihilism and then the ultimate... Anarchy. This whole hopping from one philosophy to other might came across as a delusions of a confused mind but when I look back I find it rather logical evolution. Even now i can not say that I have figured this world out, but what I have totally accepted is the triviality of the whole system. It made me sad and purposeless.
Then I saw this movie... "Flipped". Pretty chick flick I must say, what from the movie stayed back with me was one thing which all of us have already came across millions of time over.
"It's about the bigger picture" It says, somethings are more when they less and others are less when they are more. If we see world as a whole, it is more of a dystopia than a fairy tale. It doesn't make much meaning. World is one thing which is more beautiful when is seen in parts.
We do the mistake of watching people trough the glasses of a different world. Watch them in their own world and you will know that their world has a purpose.
I do not want to tell them about the world, all I want is to know their world.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Last Day of the Month of Jan 2011

It's been a month now, so I guess a blog entry is a must. Watched 27 movies so far, not bad on that account but a zilch on book account, I don't like that fact much. My movie journey couldn't have been better as it started with Black Swan and the last film being 127 Hours. Man, it's something. On that you can't rule out the Romanticism of Matthew movies, they along with his lectures, make your day worthwhile. Almost like, I have justified my life in those few hours.
Nikita rightly put it, I could not comprehend, doesn't matter how hard I try, where exactly these day flew. That is the thing with time, you keep trying to make something out of it, complaining, you don't have much to do and it keep running out of your hand. Last day of the month already, and what a month it was.
Home, Placements, Chain.., Wins, Looses, all that and more. Mere two months of MICA is left and still it seems I haven't got enough of it yet. People have already start making plans of going home, already booked tickets and parents have already started planning for convocation and what not. I really don't mind time to pass at its own pace but what I do mind is my inability to go back and relive. I am missing the rewind button.
Then in one of the movies I saw recently someone quoted "What's with your generation and documentation of all your life?" I guess the movie was Easy A. I would say, it is something like The Tomb of Tutankhamen, our little effort in our own way to leave a little bit of ourself around for someone (majorly us) to read and relive who we were, wanted to be and became.