Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Heroes of History - I, Tonya

I believe it all began when we as Humans started recording the history. Now everyone wanted their names in it and always as the winners - The Heroes of History. But the funny part about history is that it only tells you about the version of the Survivors. So you can never decide who the hero was in the actual play of events.

I, Tonya is just that. As Tonya says, her version of truth. It doesn't need to be right version, just close enough to make her look good - without distorting facts. I am not saying whether her version is right or wrong. Or if her history of abuse was something to sympathise with or actually made her a winner or just something which the movie people added just to make her case compelling, after all an underdog story is everyone's favourite - but I am not here to judge. It was story - good story on that.

It left me with a sour taste though, reminding me about the people who are hard to put down. They have this uncanny tendency of getting up again after every beating. They just don't know how to stop. It gets very difficult to sympathise with them because they don't really want the pity that you have gift wrapped in your sympathy. They just take a wilful look at it and spit. And just as they do that, your disguised pity turns into open contempt - you were being good to them after all and a spit is all they have to give you in return - when you were not even asking for anything in return really.

In that precise moment you realise that these are not the people whom you give points based on their skill or your sympathy - because they know your points are just that - pointless. So far you were something just because you could give people points and they were egar to take it. Now, you know how much these people are actually worth and so does these stubborn set of people. And even when they discard your point system you still find yourself giving them points - because that's what define you even though it doesn't define them. And you make sure you give them far less points than they actually deserve because you resent the fact that you can't beat them down, doesn't matter how hard you hit - they'll get up again.

I was a good movie!

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