Sunday, December 27, 2009

No complaints, No demands

Ok yesterday I watched AVATAR... how was the movie... ahem… it was a Fairy Tale. So while watching this ever-same fairy tale again I started wondering what makes a fairy tale world different from the Real World.

Difference on1--> Real world people are fascists while fairy tale people are socialists.
->> Very Matthew view on the movie. Here i would rather not comment because i am under the influence of my MICAn biases.

Difference tw2--> Real world people are all Tech Savvy while Fairy Tale people still wear shreds, and fight with bow and arrow.
->> So does that mean if you kept thinking about everyone's good you could never progress? I mean duh... they had such rich technology around them... the power of connecting with everything around you and you are telling me they never put their mind in using them?

Similarity thre3--> (because it's three, it has to be different) All warriors are jerks?
->> That real world admiral had to fight just because he believed in destruction, that’s what he is trained like. He can't have any emotions. (If it's so think what our country would be like if military training were compulsory for everyone)
On the other hand the fairy tale people all went about... OUR SACRED LAND, OUR SACRED LAND never once they stopped and thought about negotiations. About why humans want it and what could be the prospects for them. Or more, how they can just save their sacred land, if that's all they want.
MONEY vs RELIGION- cause of fight, war, destruction... n other such blahs(which are supposedly wrong, though are they really? money- reason humans could reach till Pandora, Religion-what kept Pandorians alive)

Syndrome fou4 --> Here comes the "heroes are always perfect" Syndrome.
->> Well my question is, are they? Until the point humans were doing it for money/progress/just the research work, Jake was part of them but as soon as humans started killing the AVATARS he changed sides... n did what… KILLED HUMANS from their side. Duh, hellooo... dude u are hero right, you need to think of something that could save both parties, not just YOUR SIDE. Saving just your side can't make you a hero. You still got blood on your hands ok.
These Pandorians, when they kill any animal for food, they pray for their soul but killing a human is just OK, because they are aliens. Do any of these rules make any sense to you?
Killing something, which can’t think, is SIN but killing something, which can think, is COURAGE.

Why make such rules, which can't be applicable on every situation. Dude trust me they can't be laws. Say killing is a sin and stop justifying few forms of it. Now that i am thinking about it, i wish what the laws were like if our legal system was with physicists (not that i trust them much, but i want to see what they would have come up with.)

So, when fairy world doesn't sound too perfect that means, it's not the Fairy Land... It has to be perfect... we need to consider the fairy tale again!!!

P.S.- The title is the my resolution for first three months of 2010 where it comes to my relations with my friends/family/others who can think (and who think they can think). There being no relation of title to the content is to establish the "freedom of expression" given to me/us. After all misusing of our rights is also a birth right for us..!!

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