Friday, December 31, 2010

The last day of year 2010

Here is the end of the month, I tried to keep a account of how many stories am i able to cover in this month. It turns our during these 31 days, i watched 39 movies and read 2 books, thats a pretty impressive figure and it does reveal much about my life, that it is non-existent. Through stories I learn, it gives me a perspective to see and understand things. Some how the things I do/watch turns out to be in a sequence, as if they are a part of some bigger puzzle. I just finished Half Nelson, a story of a professor who wants to change the world but realizes he can't and just after that I watched this TED video by Kiran Bir Sethi who infected me by the bug of 'I can'.

(Off Topic: I found something really peculiar. we study about behavior marketing, well this is something our mothers have been using since very long. When we were kids if they wanted us to stop sucking our thumb, they used to put mirchi on it so that the brain trains itself. Mumz are really cool! The same concept of behavior training is been applied by Kiran as well)

Last year, my resolution was , to watch at least one movie per day, i guess i have watched more movies than needed. So, what is the resolution for this year? umm.. i'll post it soon, dun wry!

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