Sunday, December 26, 2010

One after Christmas

Book: P.S. I Love You
Chaos Theory
I wanted this movie to be pseudo intellectual, something straight out of a H.G.Wells book, but it turned out to be romcom. It leaves you with a good feel in the heart anyways, so its ok. Chaos is anyways too close to me to be left at just the name of the movie. I see chaos as the sum of unlimited individual patterns put together. We continue to live our life in a pattern, thats what even Newton agrees with when he states his second law of motion. It's just that when that 'external force' happens, we just switch patterns. Then you would say, where is the pattern in human life if we keep hopping from here to there. Well, if you observe closely around you, you'll find it is very rare that people actually switch patterns in their life. They get so used to their daily routine that the concept of change sounds like a calamity to them. That is the power as well as danger of following a pattern. But even when we change tracks, we are following a pattern, because then you fall into pattern of changing patterns.
No one has broken the web of chaos yet. It gets denser with every new move one thinks, because it again becomes the start of a new pattern. May be that is what we have to do, we have to fill every empty space possible and try to cover all the patterns.

Be as diverse as possible.

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